Monday, February 27, 2012

Alastair Goes to the Farm!

Alastair had his first trip to the farm! He was excited and nervous and full of wonder! It was quite a start to the day when he didn't even wait for me and Ken to get everything in the truck and ready to go!

Alastair couldn't wait to see what the day had in store for him! He took off toward the barn, his tail feathers flitting in the breeze behind him! We found him on a stack of hay, patiently waiting to see the calf!

Look at the beautiful calf! Alastair was totally in love with the cute red and white hereford baby! "He is so tiny, but already bigger than me!" said Alastair.

"Hey, what's that beast?!" Alastair gawked in amazement. Why, that's the bull! Another male, preening like you Alastair. Not to be out done, Alastair gives his best imposing impression!

Now, it wouldn't be a complete visit to the farm without driving the tractor!

With the wind whipping through his head feathers and his beady eyes looking left, then right, then behind - Alastair is off! Drive Alastair! Drive!

Alas, the day had to end. Boo! Alastair and Ken climb into the truck and say goodbye to the farm, with the promise to return another day soon!

The actual drive to the farm isn't without its perks. Alastair got his first drive-thru experience on the way home for some diet soda. The cashier at the Arby's was as suprised as Alastair was!

It is always a good time and we hope to see everyone sooner than later!

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